sho ish dat all..? no.. he did one of e few tingz few pple manage 2 do.. he pulled a david copperfield in singapore.. makin singaporeans look lyke fools.. he disappeared while bein escorted 2 meet his family.. he caused an islandwide manhunt.. involvin technicalli everi single serviceman or regular.. he made Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng apologise.. i kinda lyke Minister Wong.. cos he's alwaes smilin.. seems lyke a realli fwenli guy.. hes gonna cause e pple escortin him 2 get a serious ass whippin.. hes gonna cause a lot of changes 2 existin troublesome procedures.. makin lyfe more difficult 4 servicemen.. singaporeans.. detainees whu haf visitin families.. sho on n sho forth.. basicalli.. dis idert wif no balls 2 face up 2 wad he screwed ard wif juz made e lives of a hell lot of pple a even hotter livin hell.. he sure can put dis in his resume.. im sure it'll b sho impressive ani terrorist netwrk wld take him in..
i seriousli hopes he gets caught n gets one giant jackass of a ass whoopin.. sho im gonna b a gd kid n look out 4 him.. basicalli he was not armed when he escaped.. tink dat ish sho gonna change by now.. most prob hes gonna carrie a chair or sumthin.. n he walks wif a limp.. sho 4 dose truli darin.. open a can of whoopass when u see his ugly face.. or.. 4 e more sensible.. kall ur neighbourhood fwenli policemen.. n let dem 2 e whoopin.. sho below.. ish one hell of a ugly face..

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