Monday, March 31, 2008
i basicalli had a full dae of Heroes 2 marathon.. i missed dis whole season.. but luckili.. starworld had it 4 e whole dae.. n nearli 8 hrs str8 of Heroes 2 tuition.. i basicalli noe everithin im supposed 2 noe.. i hope dey haf such marathons 4 all dose other series which i missed.. n PETER ish hell kewl lar.. he can take on everibodi.. kewl powers..!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
had dinner wif gbm n sweet 2dae.. aft sum stoopid econs simulation rubbish.. dinner was @ dis porridge steamboat place @ AMK.. alrite lar.. nuthin much 2 it.. considerin dat ive been dere sho mani tymes.. n dragged sho mani different pple wif moi durin all dese trips..
n sweet made moi realise i had an identity.. i noe it sounds damm soci.. but i guess its true.. i haf a specific wae of speakin.. a different pattern of tot.. n she doesnt even hide e fact dat i cld b wierd.. wad sia.. damm mean..!!
n i believe in free dinners.. thankew u =)
n sweet made moi realise i had an identity.. i noe it sounds damm soci.. but i guess its true.. i haf a specific wae of speakin.. a different pattern of tot.. n she doesnt even hide e fact dat i cld b wierd.. wad sia.. damm mean..!!
n i believe in free dinners.. thankew u =)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
had lunch wif aunt shing 2dae.. hougang mall.. ichiban sushi.. e food dere ish not bad.. one of e better sushi places ard.. gd food.. long chat.. gd aftnoon..
kimi won @ msia.. while massa crashed out.. if not.. it cld haf been a 1-2 for ferrari.. hamilton was 5th.. seems lyke ferrari ish kick startin deir season..
n moi mom juz flew off to NZ 2dae.. yesh.. its another holiday.. if u pple noe moi mom.. shes sum avid traveller.. its abt 6mths ago when she went 2 portugal n spain.. visited bernebau n nou camp.. while im still dreamin of emirates.. n once again.. she said i cant go cos i gort skl.. bleahz.. =(
kimi won @ msia.. while massa crashed out.. if not.. it cld haf been a 1-2 for ferrari.. hamilton was 5th.. seems lyke ferrari ish kick startin deir season..
n moi mom juz flew off to NZ 2dae.. yesh.. its another holiday.. if u pple noe moi mom.. shes sum avid traveller.. its abt 6mths ago when she went 2 portugal n spain.. visited bernebau n nou camp.. while im still dreamin of emirates.. n once again.. she said i cant go cos i gort skl.. bleahz.. =(
Saturday, March 22, 2008
caught semi-pro wif boon chyuan n keat.. its been damm long since we caught a movie 2gether.. n dis wld not haf happened if boon had not bitched n bitched abt catchin a movie.. considerin he lurves 2 disappear 4 extended periods of tyme..
e movie ish not too bad.. juz brainless laughter.. damm lame.. but its will farrell.. wad e hell wld u expect frm dat guy.. but its gd.. n its basketball stuff too.. considerin dat im quite caught onto basketball stuff recentli..
aft dat had dinner @ dis stretch of shops near bukit timah.. its e 2nd tyme i've been dere.. n e 1st tyme was lyke a million yrs ago.. in e end decided on al amin.. or wadever its kalled.. n i tried deir nasi goreng tiga rasa.. not too bad.. quite interestin dish..
saw denise keller dere too.. but she was eatin dunno wad.. super duper hot..!! but a lil too much make up.. makes her look a lil plastic..
~the uber hot denise keller~
i bumped into ron too.. been hell long since i saw him.. but hes one of e few i constantli bump into tho.. its realli been damm damm long..
aft dinner we juz chilled @ boon's place 4 a while.. sadli.. we din chill longer.. cos keat has trg or sumthin.. realli miss juz hangin out wif e both of dem.. =(

e movie ish not too bad.. juz brainless laughter.. damm lame.. but its will farrell.. wad e hell wld u expect frm dat guy.. but its gd.. n its basketball stuff too.. considerin dat im quite caught onto basketball stuff recentli..
aft dat had dinner @ dis stretch of shops near bukit timah.. its e 2nd tyme i've been dere.. n e 1st tyme was lyke a million yrs ago.. in e end decided on al amin.. or wadever its kalled.. n i tried deir nasi goreng tiga rasa.. not too bad.. quite interestin dish..
saw denise keller dere too.. but she was eatin dunno wad.. super duper hot..!! but a lil too much make up.. makes her look a lil plastic..

i bumped into ron too.. been hell long since i saw him.. but hes one of e few i constantli bump into tho.. its realli been damm damm long..
aft dinner we juz chilled @ boon's place 4 a while.. sadli.. we din chill longer.. cos keat has trg or sumthin.. realli miss juz hangin out wif e both of dem.. =(
Monday, March 17, 2008
went back 4 bernard ong's stats 1 n stats 2 xtra lesson 2dae.. wad a total waste of tyme.. made moi feel super duper stoopid sia.. go all da wae 2 skl 4 such rubbish..
left durin e brk wif vish n arielle.. arielle drove 2 j8.. n we cldnt find a parkin lot @ all.. in e end cld onli park on e roof.. muz b arielle ish suay.. tsk tsk..caught spiderwick chronicles @ j8.. e storyline ish rather interestin lar.. but im sure dey cld do better 2 it.. tho it was a lil cliche.. n a lil expected.. but all in all.. alrite movie which din require much tinkin..
~Spiderwick Chronicles~
as we were leavin skl.. n we were gonna exit 2 lift in basement.. priscelia chan entered e lift.. n thx 2 arielle 4 makin sum face.. i totalli missed it.. how can i miss priscelia chan.? damm..!! shes super pretty lor.. saw her once wif her hubby @ sum temple in e eastern part of singapore.. din noe dey were sho devout.. but dey looked damm lovin.. sho lucki..!!
~Priscelia Chan~
left durin e brk wif vish n arielle.. arielle drove 2 j8.. n we cldnt find a parkin lot @ all.. in e end cld onli park on e roof.. muz b arielle ish suay.. tsk tsk..caught spiderwick chronicles @ j8.. e storyline ish rather interestin lar.. but im sure dey cld do better 2 it.. tho it was a lil cliche.. n a lil expected.. but all in all.. alrite movie which din require much tinkin..

as we were leavin skl.. n we were gonna exit 2 lift in basement.. priscelia chan entered e lift.. n thx 2 arielle 4 makin sum face.. i totalli missed it.. how can i miss priscelia chan.? damm..!! shes super pretty lor.. saw her once wif her hubby @ sum temple in e eastern part of singapore.. din noe dey were sho devout.. but dey looked damm lovin.. sho lucki..!!

Friday, March 14, 2008
moi bro enlisted 2dae.. bmtc skl 2.. taurus company.. platoon 1.. section 3.. bed 5..
tekong n singapore ferry terminal has renovated toilets lar.. wadever seemed damm holidae resort den.. ish even more holidae resort now lor.. blardy hell.. leadin e gd lyfe..
i saw e oath swearin video again.. n i saw junming in it.. again..!! hahaz.. i smsed him n all he said was dat he will 4ever b known as e joker whu gort a front row seat durin e oath takin.. bWAHAHAz.. n i tot i saw kok long too..
lunch was @ skl 2 cookhse.. as expected.. power 98 was dere.. n simone was sizzlin hot.. sadli.. e enlistees din walk us 2 e ferry terminal.. dey immediateli fell in n marched off..
im sure gonna miss dis baby bro of mine.. awwwwwww...
tekong n singapore ferry terminal has renovated toilets lar.. wadever seemed damm holidae resort den.. ish even more holidae resort now lor.. blardy hell.. leadin e gd lyfe..
i saw e oath swearin video again.. n i saw junming in it.. again..!! hahaz.. i smsed him n all he said was dat he will 4ever b known as e joker whu gort a front row seat durin e oath takin.. bWAHAHAz.. n i tot i saw kok long too..
lunch was @ skl 2 cookhse.. as expected.. power 98 was dere.. n simone was sizzlin hot.. sadli.. e enlistees din walk us 2 e ferry terminal.. dey immediateli fell in n marched off..
im sure gonna miss dis baby bro of mine.. awwwwwww...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
maths 2 paper was honestli quite clueless 4 moi.. everithin was juz sho strange.. aniwae.. headed out 4 lunch aft e maths 2 paper in town.. wif alisha.. carrie.. deon.. rich.. but b4 dat.. had 2 drop by e police station 2 make a police report.. alisha had dropped her fone.. n nided e police report bcos e smart pple @ starhub will not gif her another sim card as dey cannot identify her usin her passport.. WTH~ datz damm stoopid man..
had a pre-enlistment meal wif moi brudder.. @ e sakae sushi @ park mall.. teppanyaki n sushi.. alrite lar.. not too bad.. nuthin new.. but its been quite a while since i had sakae wif moi bro.. aniwae.. cum 2 tink of it.. how tyme flies man.. moi brudder ish gonna enlist tmr.. e baby brudder ish supposedli gonna turn into 2 man.. n sho dey sae..
had a pre-enlistment meal wif moi brudder.. @ e sakae sushi @ park mall.. teppanyaki n sushi.. alrite lar.. not too bad.. nuthin new.. but its been quite a while since i had sakae wif moi bro.. aniwae.. cum 2 tink of it.. how tyme flies man.. moi brudder ish gonna enlist tmr.. e baby brudder ish supposedli gonna turn into 2 man.. n sho dey sae..
recentli.. i haf been addicted 2 SLAMDUNK.. it started 1st wif watchin it on animax.. den i started lookin 4 its manga.. n i basicalli finished e series a 2nd tyme.. readin it a 2nd tyme gave moi new insights on it.. e SANNOH battle juz wowed moi.. e fightin spirit of SHOHOKU juz blew moi awae.. realli glad 2 see dat e underdogs r not alwaes e ones 2 bow out w/o a fight.. but sadli.. dey din manage 2 win e nxt match.. dis part ish e part whr it ish different.. e 1st tyme rnd.. i remembered dere was a scene whr everione was juz slpin on e floor in e locker rm n din attend e nxt match.. but e manga which i read dis tyme said dat dey din win e nxt match.. sho i wonder which one ish correct..? pls enlighten moi on dis if u noe.. n deres dis damm big sized guy whu pushed SAKURAGI @ e beginnin of e nationals in e hallwae.. dis guy whu scores 50 over pts in a game n likes dunkin n hangin dere 2 look @ e pple he pushed down.. i alwaes tot he was in SANNOH n was e guy whus damm gd @ 1 on 1.. guess i remem rongli.. if anione noes abt dis too.. lemme noe.. thx..
SLAMDUNK was introduced 2 moi when i was still in Victoria School.. sec 3 2 b exact.. when pple was stardeein 4 e xams.. i was readin SLAMDUNK.. hahaz.. n i gort it frm moi main source of comics den.. mr lek wee keat.. whu else can it b..? =)
moi fav character e 1st tyme rnd was SENDOH.. i was quite SENDOH siaoz.. but dis tyme rnd.. it was SAKURAGI.. guess @ different tymes.. u relate 2 different characters differentli.. dis tyme.. SAKURAGI was e one.. dunno y.. i neber was a RUKAWA kinda guy.. hmmz..
well.. since i've finished dis.. im on 2 DEAR BOYS.. sho if anione has dat.. pls pass 2 moi.. its realli quite hard 2 find.. thx in advance.. n SLAMDUNK ish quite nice.. u shld realli read it if u haf e tyme.. =)
~The Legendary Hi-Five between RUKAWA & SAKURAGI~
~The Group Picture of SHOHOKU~
SLAMDUNK was introduced 2 moi when i was still in Victoria School.. sec 3 2 b exact.. when pple was stardeein 4 e xams.. i was readin SLAMDUNK.. hahaz.. n i gort it frm moi main source of comics den.. mr lek wee keat.. whu else can it b..? =)
moi fav character e 1st tyme rnd was SENDOH.. i was quite SENDOH siaoz.. but dis tyme rnd.. it was SAKURAGI.. guess @ different tymes.. u relate 2 different characters differentli.. dis tyme.. SAKURAGI was e one.. dunno y.. i neber was a RUKAWA kinda guy.. hmmz..
well.. since i've finished dis.. im on 2 DEAR BOYS.. sho if anione has dat.. pls pass 2 moi.. its realli quite hard 2 find.. thx in advance.. n SLAMDUNK ish quite nice.. u shld realli read it if u haf e tyme.. =)

Sunday, March 09, 2008
i took a cab home 2dae.. it was a veri veri veri fast cab ride.. wad originalli took abt 1/2 an hr took onli 15mins.. when i gort on e cab.. n e taxi uncle took a fast rite turn wif e arrow blinkin.. i knew it was gonna b quite a different cab ride 2nite..
e taxi uncle drove fast.. real fast.. e fastest i ever drove was 130.. n it was lyke 4 abt a min or sho.. i din haf e balls 2 travel ani faster.. but e taxi uncle was travellin @ abt 140 4 most of e journey on PIE.. considerin e tyme n all.. e traffic was quite clr.. but im more surprised dat he cld make it 4 sho long wifout gettin in trouble wif e law..
130 on PIE was not too difficult if u haf e balls.. but 110 on yio chu kang rd.. e one near moi place.. wif e traffic lites n traffic.. dat was godly.. i dun even remem goin 2 90 on dat rd.. but he kept it @ 110.. it seemed lyke he was in a hurry.. or he realli hated moi presence.. nahz.. dat cldnt b.. but his drivin was gd.. considerin dat i din feel lyke he was reckless.. he was juz travellin @ a high speed..
such rides r e best.. suitable 4 lots n lots of tinkin n stonin.. wif dat kind of speed.. ur tot process speeds up too.. realli interestin ride 2nite..
~is the dinner the only thing finished? =(~
e taxi uncle drove fast.. real fast.. e fastest i ever drove was 130.. n it was lyke 4 abt a min or sho.. i din haf e balls 2 travel ani faster.. but e taxi uncle was travellin @ abt 140 4 most of e journey on PIE.. considerin e tyme n all.. e traffic was quite clr.. but im more surprised dat he cld make it 4 sho long wifout gettin in trouble wif e law..
130 on PIE was not too difficult if u haf e balls.. but 110 on yio chu kang rd.. e one near moi place.. wif e traffic lites n traffic.. dat was godly.. i dun even remem goin 2 90 on dat rd.. but he kept it @ 110.. it seemed lyke he was in a hurry.. or he realli hated moi presence.. nahz.. dat cldnt b.. but his drivin was gd.. considerin dat i din feel lyke he was reckless.. he was juz travellin @ a high speed..
such rides r e best.. suitable 4 lots n lots of tinkin n stonin.. wif dat kind of speed.. ur tot process speeds up too.. realli interestin ride 2nite..

Saturday, March 08, 2008
went back 2 skl 4 econs revision 2dae.. durin e lesson.. had a cravin 4 sashimi.. sho decided 2 go suki sushi 4 buffet.. sashimi n all aft lesson.. gort auntie chua.. vish.. arielle into it too.. n thx 2 auntie chua.. we ended up @ ponggol pt instead of hougang plaza.. n dere was no buffet @ ponggol pt.. super sianz.. well.. auntie chua was tryin 2 hook up dis chef.. n we were tinkin of seducin him 2 get lotsa lotsa salmon.. in e end.. he stopped cuttin e salmon b4 we carried out our plans.. damm..!
aft lunch.. vish.. arielle.. auntie chua rented movies @ video ezy 2 watch over e wkend.. arielle drove.. sho we dropped auntie chua off.. b4 makin wae 2 vish's place 2 drop him off.. b4 we knew it.. we were @ vish's place watchin Day After Tomorrow n plaein winnin eleven on his bro's ps3.. i seriousli muz get moiself one of it.. n i m not bad 4 a beginnin in winnin eleven.. it muz b moi talent.. n 2nite was e creation of dis scari character.. SADARIELLE.. guranteed 2 scare ur balls awae.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~
~SADARIELLE from close~
~SADARIELLE from far but not far enough.!~
aft lunch.. vish.. arielle.. auntie chua rented movies @ video ezy 2 watch over e wkend.. arielle drove.. sho we dropped auntie chua off.. b4 makin wae 2 vish's place 2 drop him off.. b4 we knew it.. we were @ vish's place watchin Day After Tomorrow n plaein winnin eleven on his bro's ps3.. i seriousli muz get moiself one of it.. n i m not bad 4 a beginnin in winnin eleven.. it muz b moi talent.. n 2nite was e creation of dis scari character.. SADARIELLE.. guranteed 2 scare ur balls awae.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, March 06, 2008
2 movies were released 2dae.. sho after stats 1 paper 2dae.. sho e few of us decided 2 haf lunch @ bukit timah plazah.. e few of us bein richie.. vishnu.. carrie.. arielle.. lunch was followed by a movie marathon.. or we tried 2 haf one.. watched e movies @ AMK Hub cathay.. cos sumone juz dun watch @ golden village..
we caught 10,000 CB 1st.. y izzit CB..? cos it was bad.. real bad.. e movie was super cliche.. nuthin new @ all.. everithin seems forced.. realli wasted moi tyme.. but everithin was worth it when e female main character died.. den all of a sudden.. sumone cried.. bWAHAHAAz.. but datz not it.. aft 2 mins.. e female main character was revived.. sho all e cryin was 4 nuthin.. dat scene was realli worth it.. i gif it 5 stars..!! =)
e 2nd movie we caught was The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep.. dis one was different.. e storyline was a different flavour frm wad we usualli catch.. e CGI lil monster was quite cute.. i had one screamin 4 everione ard her 2 get her one of it 4 her bdae.. while dere was another whu had a few more rnds of cryin.. im sure i wld too.. if not 4 e CGI bein sho CGIish.. all in all.. it was better den e 1st movie we had..
after e movies.. we had dinner @ sumo hse.. n we slacked ard @ MOS b4 siamin awae.. it was a gd brk 2dae.. i wan another movie marathon soon..!! =P
~10,000 CB~
~The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep~
we caught 10,000 CB 1st.. y izzit CB..? cos it was bad.. real bad.. e movie was super cliche.. nuthin new @ all.. everithin seems forced.. realli wasted moi tyme.. but everithin was worth it when e female main character died.. den all of a sudden.. sumone cried.. bWAHAHAAz.. but datz not it.. aft 2 mins.. e female main character was revived.. sho all e cryin was 4 nuthin.. dat scene was realli worth it.. i gif it 5 stars..!! =)
e 2nd movie we caught was The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep.. dis one was different.. e storyline was a different flavour frm wad we usualli catch.. e CGI lil monster was quite cute.. i had one screamin 4 everione ard her 2 get her one of it 4 her bdae.. while dere was another whu had a few more rnds of cryin.. im sure i wld too.. if not 4 e CGI bein sho CGIish.. all in all.. it was better den e 1st movie we had..
after e movies.. we had dinner @ sumo hse.. n we slacked ard @ MOS b4 siamin awae.. it was a gd brk 2dae.. i wan another movie marathon soon..!! =P

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
ARSENAL put on a display.. one unmatched by AC MILAN on this night.. they brought the game to AC MILAN.. a goal from FABREGAS put the tie in our hands.. WALCOTT came on.. and with his speed.. he created the second goal for ADEBAYOR.. which put the tie beyond doubt..
lets review..
the year was 2003.. the location was SAN SIRO.. ARSENAL steamrolled INTER MILAN 5-1..
the year was 2006.. the location was BERNABEU.. ARSENAL was the first english side to beat REAL MADRID there.. 1-0..
the year is 2008.. the location is SAN SIRO.. ARSENAL defeated defending Champions League Champions AC MILAN to become the first english side to beat AC MILAN there.. 2-0..
once again.. ARSENAL have been THE team 2 break a record.. MOSCOW here we come..!!
~ARSENE WENGER at the beginning of the Match at SAN SIRO~
~FABREGAS - The ONE who made it possible~
~FLAMINI - The Other ONE who made this possible~
~The ARSENAL Celebration After The First Goal~
~FABREGAS pointing to a brand new ARSENAL dominated future~
lets review..
the year was 2003.. the location was SAN SIRO.. ARSENAL steamrolled INTER MILAN 5-1..
the year was 2006.. the location was BERNABEU.. ARSENAL was the first english side to beat REAL MADRID there.. 1-0..
the year is 2008.. the location is SAN SIRO.. ARSENAL defeated defending Champions League Champions AC MILAN to become the first english side to beat AC MILAN there.. 2-0..
once again.. ARSENAL have been THE team 2 break a record.. MOSCOW here we come..!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
it had been quite an unproductive couple of daes.. when i was supposed 2 b stardeein moi soci.. i was watchin quite a bit of tv.. LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, UNDERWORLD, THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK was grt on channel 5.. HBO was showin UNDERWORLD EVOULTION, GRIDIRON GANG n BLOOD DIAMOND.. aft dat i caught THE LONGEST YARD on AXN.. aft dat supplemented by a long dose of 康熙来了 n 大学生了没on ch 52.. n even more HELL'S KITCHEN, RESTAURANT MAKEOVER, THE F WORD on ASIAN FOOD CHANNEL.. THE O.C. n FRIENDS on STARWORLD.. e episode of THE O.C. yesterdae was blardy gd.. esp wif SETH tryin 2 get SUMMER back.. n e spiderman kiss.. hahaz.. kick ass.. n e scene wif RYAN n MARISSA on e dock in e rain.. classic.. noe im hooked on SLAMDUNK too.. on ANIMAX.. damm.. im juz watchin a hell lot of rubbish on tv..
e latest update on e blardy joker.. he's still not caught yet.. dere has been speculation dat he cld b in indonesia now.. or runnin in malaysia on foot.. or in a sampan in e south china sea.. wadever it ish.. i still tink dat he's still in SINGAPORE.. n preciseli SINGAPORE ish such a tourist shoppin paradise.. he's still doin sum last min shoppin b4 he goes home.. yea.. sum sale @ takashimaya or midnite shoppin in orachard.. or sumthin.. OR MAEBE.. JUZ MAEBE.. readers of moi blog took moi advice n gave him an ass whoopin sho hard.. his ass moved 2 his face.. n sho now.. he's juz lyin on e floor sumwhr.. eh joker.. 4 everione's sake.. pls get up n head 2 ur nearest police post.. tink of all e poor pple still huntin 4 u.. tink of all e tingz dey wld do 2 u if u were caught.. if i were u.. i wldnt wanna b found too.. tsk tsk..
ARSENAL dropped pts over e wkend.. we drew 1-1 wif aston villa @ The EMIRATES.. n villa scored due 2 a SENDEROS own goal.. agbonlahor ran down e left n tried 2 pass e ball past e ARSENAL goalmouth 4 sum villan 2 tap in.. but apparentli SENDEROS decided 2 save him e trouble n tapped it in 4 villa instead.. it was a moment of WTF..!!
a below standard 1st half.. n a slightli better 2nd half.. ARSENAL was still trailin all e wae till injury time.. in the 93rd min.. NICKLAS BENDTNER equalised..!! it was a cross frm GAEL CLICHY on e left which EMMANUEL ADEBAYOR's header connected wif 2 pass 2 NICKLAS BENDTNER.. dis resulted in a simple n nice tap in frm NICKLAS BENDTNER 2 result in e equaliser.. n for once in deir blardy lives.. EMMANUEL ADEBAYOR passed 2 NICKLAS BENDTNER..!!! DIABY totalli cannot plae on e left wing 4 nuts.. he cant plae on e wings even if savin e world frm destruction depended on him.. maebe i shld cut him sum slack.. considerin its his 1st game back nia..
EDUARDO is recovering well.. accordin 2 doctors n e ARSENAL medical team.. n if all goes well.. he'll b back for xmas..!! kewl.. n EDUARDO thanked GARY LEWIN for savin his leg n career.. if not 4 GARY LEWIN's fast reactions.. EDUARDO's leg wld b sho gone.. he may even lose it.. i alwaes felt dat GARY LEWIN was damm zai.. GARY LEWIN oso had save john terry last season.. sho dis guy ish real gd @ 1st aid.. RESPECT man..!!
its gonna b ARSENAL VS AC MILAN 2nite.. i noe i realli shldnt b watchin it.. but i haf a feelin.. i wld.. damm..
a below standard 1st half.. n a slightli better 2nd half.. ARSENAL was still trailin all e wae till injury time.. in the 93rd min.. NICKLAS BENDTNER equalised..!! it was a cross frm GAEL CLICHY on e left which EMMANUEL ADEBAYOR's header connected wif 2 pass 2 NICKLAS BENDTNER.. dis resulted in a simple n nice tap in frm NICKLAS BENDTNER 2 result in e equaliser.. n for once in deir blardy lives.. EMMANUEL ADEBAYOR passed 2 NICKLAS BENDTNER..!!! DIABY totalli cannot plae on e left wing 4 nuts.. he cant plae on e wings even if savin e world frm destruction depended on him.. maebe i shld cut him sum slack.. considerin its his 1st game back nia..
EDUARDO is recovering well.. accordin 2 doctors n e ARSENAL medical team.. n if all goes well.. he'll b back for xmas..!! kewl.. n EDUARDO thanked GARY LEWIN for savin his leg n career.. if not 4 GARY LEWIN's fast reactions.. EDUARDO's leg wld b sho gone.. he may even lose it.. i alwaes felt dat GARY LEWIN was damm zai.. GARY LEWIN oso had save john terry last season.. sho dis guy ish real gd @ 1st aid.. RESPECT man..!!
its gonna b ARSENAL VS AC MILAN 2nite.. i noe i realli shldnt b watchin it.. but i haf a feelin.. i wld.. damm..
Saturday, March 01, 2008
deres dis blardy joker.. his name ish Mas Selamat Kastari.. sho y ish he a joker.. well.. he's the Singapore leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah militant network.. n dis joker escaped from a detention centre on wednesday.. sho wads e biggie..? well.. hes a terrorist.. a major threat 2 security.. hes supposedli runnin 2 indonesia now..
sho ish dat all..? no.. he did one of e few tingz few pple manage 2 do.. he pulled a david copperfield in singapore.. makin singaporeans look lyke fools.. he disappeared while bein escorted 2 meet his family.. he caused an islandwide manhunt.. involvin technicalli everi single serviceman or regular.. he made Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng apologise.. i kinda lyke Minister Wong.. cos he's alwaes smilin.. seems lyke a realli fwenli guy.. hes gonna cause e pple escortin him 2 get a serious ass whippin.. hes gonna cause a lot of changes 2 existin troublesome procedures.. makin lyfe more difficult 4 servicemen.. singaporeans.. detainees whu haf visitin families.. sho on n sho forth.. basicalli.. dis idert wif no balls 2 face up 2 wad he screwed ard wif juz made e lives of a hell lot of pple a even hotter livin hell.. he sure can put dis in his resume.. im sure it'll b sho impressive ani terrorist netwrk wld take him in..
i seriousli hopes he gets caught n gets one giant jackass of a ass whoopin.. sho im gonna b a gd kid n look out 4 him.. basicalli he was not armed when he escaped.. tink dat ish sho gonna change by now.. most prob hes gonna carrie a chair or sumthin.. n he walks wif a limp.. sho 4 dose truli darin.. open a can of whoopass when u see his ugly face.. or.. 4 e more sensible.. kall ur neighbourhood fwenli policemen.. n let dem 2 e whoopin.. sho below.. ish one hell of a ugly face..
~blardy joker~
sho ish dat all..? no.. he did one of e few tingz few pple manage 2 do.. he pulled a david copperfield in singapore.. makin singaporeans look lyke fools.. he disappeared while bein escorted 2 meet his family.. he caused an islandwide manhunt.. involvin technicalli everi single serviceman or regular.. he made Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng apologise.. i kinda lyke Minister Wong.. cos he's alwaes smilin.. seems lyke a realli fwenli guy.. hes gonna cause e pple escortin him 2 get a serious ass whippin.. hes gonna cause a lot of changes 2 existin troublesome procedures.. makin lyfe more difficult 4 servicemen.. singaporeans.. detainees whu haf visitin families.. sho on n sho forth.. basicalli.. dis idert wif no balls 2 face up 2 wad he screwed ard wif juz made e lives of a hell lot of pple a even hotter livin hell.. he sure can put dis in his resume.. im sure it'll b sho impressive ani terrorist netwrk wld take him in..
i seriousli hopes he gets caught n gets one giant jackass of a ass whoopin.. sho im gonna b a gd kid n look out 4 him.. basicalli he was not armed when he escaped.. tink dat ish sho gonna change by now.. most prob hes gonna carrie a chair or sumthin.. n he walks wif a limp.. sho 4 dose truli darin.. open a can of whoopass when u see his ugly face.. or.. 4 e more sensible.. kall ur neighbourhood fwenli policemen.. n let dem 2 e whoopin.. sho below.. ish one hell of a ugly face..

caught JUMPER wif rich n arielle on wed.. @ junction 8.. aft e last min econs consultation.. realli damm blardi last min lar.. was supposed 2 meet han n suan.. but last min cancelled too.. han has a paper late.. n wun realli haf tyme.. grrrr.. n we took damm long 2 decide whr 2 go aft e lesson.. hell long.. it was vivo.. j8.. tm.. i chose j8 cos i nid 2 meet viz mahz..
had lunch @ cafe cartel.. its been quite a while since i last ate dere.. not too bad lar e food.. cheaper den expected due 2 e student meal n all.. passed viz his ext hdd when he came 2 look 4 moi.. n now hes oreadi in aussie.. left on thu.. haiz.. its gonna b damm long till i see him again.. im oreadi missin him..

JUMPER was not too bad.. i kinda lyke e power of teleportation.. Hayden Christensen seriousli look damm gd lar.. i lurve his bad boi kinda image.. all e wae since star wars 3.. realli lurve e aura he eludes.. Rachel Bilson was in e movie too.. guess its her 1st big screen performance.. i haf realli been seein a lot of her.. esp cos shes actin as Summer in The O.C.. n as usual.. Samuel L Jackson rawks.. i realli lurve e wae he acts.. realli damm kewl n all.. all in all.. its not a bad movie.. realli shld take a look..
dat reminds moi.. in e cinema.. dere was dis woman whus realli unable 2 adapt.. dere were seats nxt 2 her.. but she juz wanna squeeze nxt 2 us.. makin moi leave moi bag on e floor.. n i hate leavein moi bag on e floor.. stoopid biatch..
had lunch @ cafe cartel.. its been quite a while since i last ate dere.. not too bad lar e food.. cheaper den expected due 2 e student meal n all.. passed viz his ext hdd when he came 2 look 4 moi.. n now hes oreadi in aussie.. left on thu.. haiz.. its gonna b damm long till i see him again.. im oreadi missin him..

JUMPER was not too bad.. i kinda lyke e power of teleportation.. Hayden Christensen seriousli look damm gd lar.. i lurve his bad boi kinda image.. all e wae since star wars 3.. realli lurve e aura he eludes.. Rachel Bilson was in e movie too.. guess its her 1st big screen performance.. i haf realli been seein a lot of her.. esp cos shes actin as Summer in The O.C.. n as usual.. Samuel L Jackson rawks.. i realli lurve e wae he acts.. realli damm kewl n all.. all in all.. its not a bad movie.. realli shld take a look..
dat reminds moi.. in e cinema.. dere was dis woman whus realli unable 2 adapt.. dere were seats nxt 2 her.. but she juz wanna squeeze nxt 2 us.. makin moi leave moi bag on e floor.. n i hate leavein moi bag on e floor.. stoopid biatch..