Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
After finishing the University of London's Principles of Banking and Finance paper yesterday, I was walking out of Singapore Expo Hall 9 when I saw this.

I have to admit it. This really requires some kahunas. How often do you throw away your notes right after you walk out of the examination venu? Like what I once tweeted about, it ain't over until the fat lady sings. But sometimes, the fat lady sings the wrong tune and hits all the wrong notes. I would like to see the faces of the owners of these notes in three months time IF the worst case scenario happened.

Thursday, May 06, 2010
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
周杰伦 - 我不配
这小弄太过完全 走不回过这里
这日子孤单里 又班驳了结局
很卑微 在凋谢
我不配 on loop in my head after meeting 曾愷玹
The day I met 曾愷玹

Today was the day I met 曾愷玹.
Ok, maybe not her but someone who looks so similar that it just totally feels like her.
I was on a bus, minding my own business, wondering where in the world did my earphones disappeared to when SHE appeared. Yes. Her. Not S.H.E but 曾愷玹. The wind was knocked out of me before I was even able to react.
I had noticed her performances in 不能說的秘密 but what really caught my eye was her appearance in 周杰倫's 我不配 music video. People who karaoke with me often, meaning Wee Keat, Ee Suan, Junming can attest to me choosing this song all the time. I watch more of the music video and leave the singing to them. The scene where she's playing with Jay on the bed is mindblowing.
To see someone who is a splitting image of her is like watching her walk out of the television set and into real life. NO. I AM NOT COMPARING HER TO SADAKO. DON'T EVEN GO THERE. She was standing right in front of me, less than a metre away. It was a very surreal experience. She had really big eyes with really long eyelashes and a mesmerising smile. How can someone be so perfect?
Well, she was perfect until I saw the guy next to her. I could accept a Jay or a Show, but Joe? She was looking into his eyes with so much love and affection that I was traumatised. I would really need to schedule a session with my psychaitrist soon. Somehow, the Average Joe always have ALL the luck.
This would be me suffering the classic symptoms of the I-REALLY-HAVE-NO-IDEA-WHAT-SHE-SEES-IN-HIM syndrome. Sophie tried explaining to me that in Elements of Social Applied Psychology, they explained this syndrome. Something along the lines where when a mismatch occurs, we detect it immediately. For me, the voice in my head just keeps going What The Fuck?!³. It's like how Neo is able to detect a Deja Vu in the Matrix so easily.
She got off in Sengkang. The bus stop she alighted at indicated she lived pretty close to my friend. So near and yet so many lightyears away. She left me wishing to Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy/财神爷/月老/My Fairy Godmother for the same luck Joe got. I promise to be a good kid for a very very very very long time.
All in all, I'm glad I got to see her. It will be the closest I will ever get to meeting someone like that. It was anything but a boring bus ride. Now, where did I place my earphones again?
Friday, April 09, 2010
The Mob
Yesterday, I was waiting for a bus at Serangoon Bus Interchange. The bus i was waiting for was 101, beside it was the queue for 315. There were people in both queues and quite a number of people gathered around the head of the queue. Bus 101 came and stopped in front of the queue. People in the queues started to make a move.
At this point of time, the people in the queue for 101 took a few steps and stopped. The door of the bus was open. The driver looked at them, the people looked back at him but nobody took any action. Everyone was standing still and I wondered what was happening. The driver looked behind and saw Bus 315 behind.
I knew something was amiss and made a run for it but I could not get to the bus at all. The people who were standing around apparently were all waiting for 315. Everyone was waiting for 315, including the people in the queue for 101. Can anyone please explain to me, if you're waiting for 315, why are you standing in the queue for 101? Moron.
They were sticking close to one another, so afraid of people getting past and to the front. These people exhibited good defending, good positional awareness and a never give up attitude. These people were ugly Singaporeans. They totally didn't take other people into consideration. If I was a football manager, I will get them to play as defenders. Their defending was so good even Messi would not have been able to get through. This was a water tight defence. Silvestre, please take note, it would be good if you learned to defend like that.
Before I know it, the driver closed the door and drove off. I made a run for it to the next bus stop. Luckily, luck was on my side this time and I got it. I am just sick to my stomach how people can be so inconsiderate.
This has been a very watered down and mellow account of what happened yesterday. If you're wondering whether I was exploding with expletives, the answer is YES. A certain Miss Sophie Lim heard the outburst and can testify to having heard me on the verge of exploding, or rather, exploded. So for all you ugly Singaporeans out there, please play nice unless you're looking to be crushed under a huge mass anytime soon.
At this point of time, the people in the queue for 101 took a few steps and stopped. The door of the bus was open. The driver looked at them, the people looked back at him but nobody took any action. Everyone was standing still and I wondered what was happening. The driver looked behind and saw Bus 315 behind.
I knew something was amiss and made a run for it but I could not get to the bus at all. The people who were standing around apparently were all waiting for 315. Everyone was waiting for 315, including the people in the queue for 101. Can anyone please explain to me, if you're waiting for 315, why are you standing in the queue for 101? Moron.
They were sticking close to one another, so afraid of people getting past and to the front. These people exhibited good defending, good positional awareness and a never give up attitude. These people were ugly Singaporeans. They totally didn't take other people into consideration. If I was a football manager, I will get them to play as defenders. Their defending was so good even Messi would not have been able to get through. This was a water tight defence. Silvestre, please take note, it would be good if you learned to defend like that.
Before I know it, the driver closed the door and drove off. I made a run for it to the next bus stop. Luckily, luck was on my side this time and I got it. I am just sick to my stomach how people can be so inconsiderate.
This has been a very watered down and mellow account of what happened yesterday. If you're wondering whether I was exploding with expletives, the answer is YES. A certain Miss Sophie Lim heard the outburst and can testify to having heard me on the verge of exploding, or rather, exploded. So for all you ugly Singaporeans out there, please play nice unless you're looking to be crushed under a huge mass anytime soon.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I caught the quarterfinals match of the Dubai Open between Ivan Ljubicic and Novak Djokovic. It ended in a Djokovic victory, 4-6, 6-4, 6-0. Ljubicic played well. He held his serve and broke Djokovic's, twice. The moment his serve got broken, he lost the set, lost the remaining of his serves and lost the game.
Ljubicic was very patient in the beginning, bided his time and waited for an opening. Ljubicic, the ex world number 3 looked like upsetting the tie, the fans and Djokovic to grab a totally unexpected win. But that was not to be. Ljubicic started to get aggressive, wanting to end the tie quickly, he started making runs to the net, trying drop shots and slices. Djokovic immediately capitalised, making Ljubicic run, made Ljubicic make mistakes by the truckload and himself playing some great tennis.
In the end, Ljubicic's body and luck lost out to Djokovic's. I guess Djokovic winning was an inevitability but Ljubicic did not deserve to lose 6-0 in the last set. When Djokovic broke Ljubicic's first serve of the third set, Ljubicic had a glazed look. His gaze was hollow. He had a look of resignation. His body language only asked for the match to be ended quickly. I felt so sad for him. One of the saddest recently, besides for myself of course. His will to win was gone. What was so close ended up being so far.
Djokovic ended the match quickly and put him out of his misery. It was cruel but this is tennis.
Ljubicic was very patient in the beginning, bided his time and waited for an opening. Ljubicic, the ex world number 3 looked like upsetting the tie, the fans and Djokovic to grab a totally unexpected win. But that was not to be. Ljubicic started to get aggressive, wanting to end the tie quickly, he started making runs to the net, trying drop shots and slices. Djokovic immediately capitalised, making Ljubicic run, made Ljubicic make mistakes by the truckload and himself playing some great tennis.
In the end, Ljubicic's body and luck lost out to Djokovic's. I guess Djokovic winning was an inevitability but Ljubicic did not deserve to lose 6-0 in the last set. When Djokovic broke Ljubicic's first serve of the third set, Ljubicic had a glazed look. His gaze was hollow. He had a look of resignation. His body language only asked for the match to be ended quickly. I felt so sad for him. One of the saddest recently, besides for myself of course. His will to win was gone. What was so close ended up being so far.
Djokovic ended the match quickly and put him out of his misery. It was cruel but this is tennis.
Monday, February 01, 2010
i'm not going to say much.. but if you're thinking of shopping.. this is a good webbie to go to.. =)