Overall, this was a not bad incamp training but it could have been better without the emergence of "The Active". What is "The Active"? "The Active" is a being who despite being a NS Man acted like a NSF. This term can be applied to any officer, specialist or man. In this incident, The Active is referred to a certain specialist. Usually The Active has the uncanny ability to rub reservists in the wrong way. The higher the rank, the bigger the number of people affected. I'll skip the details but it ended with another specialist of a higher appointment indirectly apologising for him and trying to get the rest of the people to understand. Now, that would have been avoided if The Active had asked nicely, not brought his temper, attitude and rank to a perfectly fine working environment with the rules of the game being unspoken. All I can say to him is "Chill, Dude.".

The reservist ended with a cohesion at Tampines Safra, having the standard bowling and archery itinerary. Bowling and archery was something we were never too fond off, we chose to play DOTA instead. It had been nearly 3 years since I had played. I don't even remember what to or not to do anymore. The majority of the guys on my team were either new, lousy or totally out of touch, with me being the lousy one. It was not a bad game of DOTA but a pathetic one. We were trashed, owned and destroyed. Somehow, it did bring a desire to pick up DOTA all over again but thankfully the desire disappeared after the third second it was brought back.
After outprocessing, we had lunch at Ah Gu's workplace, the Nihon Mura at Tampines Stadium. The place is quite crowded for a friday afternoon though. There are quite a few kids around, guess that could be due to the schools around in a heartland area. Lunch was just the few of us from the same batch, me, Mark, Leonard, Koon, Gu and Zhiyuan. We practically ordered everything on the menu. Some of the sashimi was not too fresh but the salmon and tuna was not too bad. The fresh grey prawns are a must try! I always thought that they should be cooked but I was glad I tried it due to constant coaxing from Zhiyuan. Food is one thing I can trust him on. The grey prawns totally did not have the prawny smell usually associated with not too fresh prawns, maybe due to the freshness of it. The taste and texture of the prawns were brilliant. I would never have stopped if not for the fact that I hated to deshell it by hand or rather, Zhiyuan's hands. The chicken wings were good too, even though it was just seasoned with salt and pepper. The taste of the chicken was really brought out well without anything overpowering it. Another favourite of mine were the hotate mentai and iwatako mentai, the cheese on top of it was to die for. Besides all the standard menu items, we had a lot of special items due to Gu and his colleague connections. The only regret for all these was that too much eating and we totally forgot about photograph taking. I just got to do this again sometime soon.

I realised I look quite good on a bike therefore I should go get one.

Since we had a little time before the movie, we had some good old coffee bean frappes and even more chatting.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen had a good soundtrack, lots of action, lots of Megan Fox, lots of Shia LaBeouf.

Storywise, there isn't really one. I thought Optimus was too strong at the end, he should get his trailer. Megatron should have been renamed Galvatron and everything seemed so simple without any difficulty for anyone. Nonetheless, I would catch it again, not for the story though.
It was a good day with the guys and we really should do it again soon.
Due to the lovely reservist I just had, I have not gamed for a very long time, therefore I need new games soon!
I am so supposed to meet my bestie for dinner tomorrow but since she is always so busy, I guess that is another rain check. ps. to bestie, if you are reading this, i'm not always the one standing you up! =P
After everything, I do miss You.