i had joined the singapore tata crucible quiz the second year in a row. this year, it was with richie. again, it left me awestruck. the quiz was held at the rock auditorium at suntec city which was so much more accessible than the one last year. the winners of this year's quiz were the winners of last year's quiz, so for the first time ever, the tata crucible title was successfully defended. reception at the event was not too bad at all, though not fantastic but doesnt give you the cheap feeling. i saw navin nair after like a million years. he looked well. i totally missed his jokes and remarks from secondary school. he made it to the wildcard round.. RESPECT!!

the only bad thing about the event was the long waiting time before the event. it was so long, i actually went to try my hand at this candy machine. that was something i never ever saw myself doing. i actually spent 10 bucks on it first time round. after the quiz, before we left, we went for another round. in all i spent $12.50 on that machine and richie is so addicted to it now. he keeps thinking of going back to win sweets. funny some silly machine like that can get people addicted.