haiz.. it's been quite a bad football nite..
ARSENAL drew 2-2 wif birmingham @ st andrews in a match dey shld haf won..
CLICHY DID NOT gif awae e penalty.. it was a superb clearance.. he gort e ball 1st.. lousi refereein.. wad else.. aniwae.. im not gonna harp on draw cos manure gort a win.. n cut e lead to 3 pts onli..
wad realli disturbed moi was
EDUARDO's injury by dis jackass
MARTIN TAYLOR.. tho i missed e incident.. but frm wad i read frm reports n hrd frm commentary.. it's a broken left ankle..
EDUARDO's definateli out for e rest of
ARSENAL's season.. n will miss euro 2008 too.. datz damm sad lar.. he's been such a grt player.. humble n all.. i realli feel e loss 4 us n 4
CROATIA.. lyke wad a croatian fan said..
EDUARDO's gonna rise lyke a phoenix n go kick sum more asses.. hope he recovers sooner den later..
ALL THE BEST DUDU..!!aniwae.. i found sum pics of e tackle.. well.. i din include e actual injury cos i found it too gross.. it was realli crazi.. well.. brace urselves..

~dis pic shows e mofo
MARTIN TAYLOR goin in 4 e tackle on
EDUARDO.. as u can see.. e ball ish totalli out of e wae.. he purposeli made contact.. n e area he's goin 4.. e shin.. n e awkward angle.. its gonna haf serious damage.. he's out 2 brk
EDUARDO's leg.. cum on man.. which human being wld do dis 2 another fellow human being.. regardless of e situation..~
ps. i had actualli chosen not 2 shown another 3 more pics of e actual injury wif e ankles n all out of position.. dat wld realli not b 4 e faint hearted.. i shuddered when i saw dose pics..

~dis pic shows e aftmath.. wif
on e ground n struggling in pain.. it was dat bad dat he nided 8 mins of paramedic attention n oxygen n painkillers n all.. poor
EDUARDO.. n on e other side of e pic.. u can actualli see e sick sick sick sick
MARTIN TAYLOR kneelin on e floor n smilin.. e other disappointin fact ish dat wif all e birmingham players ard.. none went 2 his aid as he lied on e floor.. datz realli sum disgustin human behaviour.. i juz get sick tokin abt dem..~