Monday, December 25, 2006

merrie xmas ar.. its moi 21st xmas.. hahaz.. tho i probably dun remember mani of dose earlier ones which i had.. but dis xmas has been a rather simple one.. but yet one of dose which i felt happiest.. tho its realli last min.. when i mean last min.. its down 2 e dae.. its juz a simple dinner.. wif realli gd food.. damm up ar.. on e surface.. it seemed lyke a simple dinner.. but realli can see e wrk put in by e family.. e warmth n hospitality was dere.. 100% definateli.. hahaz.. real sorriez dat i was late.. oops.. learnt quite abit of japan.. a thousand thx 2 e host n the realli frenli family.. e frenz company was grt too.. realli.. i truli njoyed moiself.. thank you.. n a realli merrie n blessed xmas.. =)

hahaz.. frenz r alwaes fun.. esp. wif clay.. viz.. kok.. suan.. joy.. tokin cock wif dem ish truli an exp.. ya kun.. e lucki airline coy boss.. n e clayton factor.. makes a gd tokin cock session.. truli njoyable..

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

haiz.. its 5 in e mornin n im still up.. all bcos of a carling cup semi-final.. one between Liverpool n Arsenal.. but its postponed.. due 2 bad weather.. all da fog n all in Anfield.. damm anti-climax.. stayed up all da wae onli 4 it 2 b postponed.. i guess.. dat cant b helped.. cos singapore ish havin quite bad a weather too..

it has been rainin 4 quite long liaoz.. all da wae frm mon.. haiz.. non-stop.. rain.. rain.. rain.. stop.. rain.. rain.. rain.. stop.. rain.. rain.. rain.. den e whole cycle repeats itself.. non-stop rain.. unstoppable water.. its rumoured 2 b e highest rainfall Singapore had 4 e past 75 yrs.. sum pple dun get 2 experience it durin deir lyfetyme.. n we did.. how kewl ish dat..

now 4 sum financial news.. e Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) composite index dropped.. or plungged.. or wadever.. 2 deir lowest in 16yrs.. n 4 e 1st tyme.. it actualli closed n suspended tradin aft it dropped 10.1%.. all dese bcos e Bank of Thailand and e Finance Ministry of Thailand wanted to bring e baht lower.. sho dey did all e crazi tingz n sent everione into a panic.. of cos.. Singapore was affected.. but @ least not dat badli..

wad a kewl dae it has been.. all da 1st tymes.. how mani such tingz in a persons lyfe can it get.. realli realli kewl dae..

ps. i was juz wonderin.. as it rains n rains.. n it cont pouring outside moi window.. wld e temp keep droppin n finalli we wld b able 2 see snow in Singapore.. if dat realli happens.. i mean.. how KEWL can DAT get..? =)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Running away is a harsh thing to do. If we are together, the harshness will be divided in half. But because we are together, the sadness will double."

"One will love another even if they know there is no outcome to it. That is how people are."

"There is no one without desire. If there are people who claim to have no desires, they just do not know the depths of their hearts."

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

clayton's back.. back frm aussie.. its been realli quite a while since we last met.. dinner was gd.. e company was dere.. clayton.. of cos.. nic.. viz.. han.. shuyi.. jeff.. as 4 e food.. not as gd as b4.. too frozen.. han agrees too.. we had steamboat @ dis ma la steamboat restaurant @ thomson.. it was run by chinaese pple.. we saw e sg table tennis team.. den e guys juz went n took a look.. i din bother.. cos i wun b able 2 recognise dem even if i did.. aniwae.. clay ish juz lyke b4.. alwaes haf a lot of farnie ideas.. too farnie.. too unorthodox lar.. we shld realli meet up lyke dis more often lar..

Sunday, December 10, 2006

mahjong ish alwaes fun~ a mahjong all niter ish even more fun.. its been quite a while since we did it.. it was quite an even game.. until e end.. whr unexpected bouts of luck happened 2 kok.. n e rest of us juz died dere on e spot.. im quite sick of fishball noodles.. everione seems 2 b orderin fishball noodles dis daes.. ewwww..
we gave nic a special home kallout.. over e speaker.. hahaz.. it was damm fun kallin nic.. n how nic actualli responded 2 e kall was priceless.. juz when we tot we blew our cover.. a series of numbers n letters was heard over e loudspeaker.. it was fun.. real fun.. thx nic.. hmmz.. but another of our kallee din participate n later when we kalled e kallee again 2 verify.. e kallee pretended nuthin happen ar.. tsk tsk.. notti notti.. =P
supper was alrite.. we travelled all da wae 2 sembawang.. but dere was nuthin nice dere.. e supposedli 24hr coffeeshop was actualli closed.. went 2 eat @ sum prata place nxt 2 sembawang shoppin centre.. viz's mee goreng looked gd.. e rest all sho sho lar.. it was quite malu when it was tyme 2 pay.. kok n his mani mani dollars worth of coins.. courtesy of han.. tsk tsk..
after e supper.. han sent moi viz n kok back 2 viz hse whr we juz slipped awae 2 plae chess wif uncle chou.. while han sent ngoh back.. wanted 2 take cab frm hans place.. but realised it was gonna b a midnite killer cos i oreadi took one 2 viz place.. sho stayed over @ hse of viz until kok left 4 skl n viz left 4 soccer e nxt dae..

Friday, December 08, 2006

"THE GUNFIRE AROUND us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard... over armies... when it's telling the truth."
- The Interpreter

a veri gd movie.. not xcatli e best.. but realli can set u tinkin 4 quite abit..

Thursday, December 07, 2006

7th December 2006

This is a very special date. Today is a very special day. Today is the end of two years. Two very long years. It marks the end of another chapter in my life. I am a National Serviceman today. I have regained my soul which I sold to the devil for the past two years. I just got it back and I feel like a brand new man already. Today is another brand new beginning. Today is the day when I am Operationally Ready. 7th December 2006 is my Operationally Ready Date. In short, ORD loh!!!

ps. i am really in the pink of health!!


"Pain is temporary. ORD is permanent."
- jiji^_^